I AM in the Spiritual Realm
and I use the FORCE that
GOD has Blessed me with!
I have the POWER to Tear down STRONGHOLDS
I use the WISDOM GOD Gave me to
Accomplish many other Great Tasks.
I AM a Witness to others so that they Might Receive the same Great Power given to me through the Father and Creator of the Universe.
My Goal is to Lead Souls to the LIGHT of the world, Jesus Christ, so they can be FREE from Death and Possess the Holy Spirit and DO Mighty works throughout the Galaxies. Together we can Resist the Darkness and Overcome the evil first order because we Have the Ultimate Power in the name of Jesus!
Every knee will Bow to the LORD of GLORY!
The Blind will See
The Lost will be Found,
The Needy will be Fed,
The Lame will Walk,
The Sick will be Healed
In the name Above All names,
I carry a Sword that is much more powerful than this lightsabre and it is
The Holy Bible
Come Follow Me and JOYn the Resistance and use your Talents
to Fight the Good Fight of FAITH
for we wrestle not against flesh but
Demons are being castout right Now
In the name of Jesus the must Leave
#NFL #SuperBowl #SuperBowl50