Above is a picture, showing me as I attended the 189th Annual Patricks Day Parade 2013 in Savannah Georgia Saturday 3/16/2013, taken Sunday morning 3/17/2013 after evangelizing to a half a million people on Friday night 3/15/2013 & all day Saturday 3/16/2013

This is a close up view of River Street which is approximately a mile long with Tybee Island to the North and Hilton Head South Carolina just to the Northeast. We had a great time Evangelizing here Saturday night as I walked saying LOVE thy Neighbor and LOVE is the key people would stop and ask to have their picture taken with me. I walked through these overcrowded streets just as JESUS would have with my head up high doing everything in LOVE for JESUS came not to kill, steal and destroy but so that we would have life more Abundantly, so let Us not throw the First Stone as it is written! You can catch more bees with Honey!
Below is Downtown Savannah Georgia featuring the Historic District and the Parade route markers are green and the Red flames is where the Holy Spirit fell upon several people as we lead them to the LORD.
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